Amanda J. Kabage
Amanda joined the Microbiota Research and Therapeutics team in 2014 after battling a 14 month illness with C. difficile. She was ultimately cured with a fecal microbiota transplant in September 2013, performed by Dr. Alexander Khoruts. It was a no-brainer to join this team, as Amanda already worked in research at the University of Minnesota, and went through a firsthand experience with C. difficile and FMT treatment.
Amanda helped develop the stool donor program, the first of its kind. She oversees human clinical trials using FMT for various health conditions, manages the FDA regulation of this experimental treatment, and ensures the ethical conduct of all research trials through the Microbiota Therapeutics team. One of her passions is working to remove the stigma of gastrointestinal illnesses by giving patients a space to openly talk about their own health struggles with someone who can relate to them. People surprise themselves with how easy it is to talk about poop with a stranger! She loves the human side to research and the opportunity to connect with people who are looking for answers. She also loves sharing her passion for research by showing participants that being involved in research can be fun.
Prior to joining the Microbiota Therapeutics team, Amanda worked in Pediatric Epidemiology at the University of Minnesota for 8 years, studying the genetics of pediatric cancer. She took an interdisciplinary approach to her education, with undergraduate studies focused on Biology and Ethics. She went on to receive a Master of Science in Science, Technology & Environmental Policy with a minor in Bioethics.
When Amanda’s not working, she’s most likely traveling somewhere in the world. Even though she had never been on an airplane until she was 20 years old, she has visited over 30 countries and most states in the U.S. Amanda enjoys lifting weights and running, reading books, seeing live music, eating great food, and hanging out with dogs.